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Serbian President to address UN General Assembly regarding Kosovo situation

Serbian President Boris Tadić will address the UN General Assembly on Friday, within the General Debate that began on September 21. The Serbian president will hold a series of bilateral meetings with officials from around the world on the sidelines of the session. 

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Serbia to send troops in Cyprus peacekeeping mission

Serbian Army (VS) Infantry Squad will take part in a UN peacekeeping mission in Cyprus. VS Chief of General Staff General Miloje Miletić and his associates saw off from the Nis military airport Friday morning VS members to Cyprus.

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Moldova welcomes will to resume Transdniester talks

The Moldovan government has welcomed an agreement reached in Moscow today on the resumption, after five years, of official talks on resolving the conflict over the disputed Transdniester region. Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Eugen Carpov, who headed Moldova’s delegation

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