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Serbian PM says EU is the country’s most important goal

PM Mirko Cvetković today in Belgrade held a meeting with foreign ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement, gathered in the capital for the organization’s summit. Cvetković stated on the occasion that Serbia saw as its most important goal to preserve the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, while its foreign policy priority …

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Serbian, Egyptian FMs mark 50 years of NAM

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić and his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Kamel Amr planted a tree at the Park of Friendship in Belgrade on Monday. It came 50 years since the planting of the first tree in the park, and is meant to symbolize friendship between peoples.

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Serbia not to accept Kosovo customs officers

Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic said that the agreement reaches in Brussels about the customs stamps is an opportunity for lifting the embargo on Serbian goods set by Kosovo’s authorities. According to the minister, Belgrade will not accept Kosovo’s customs officers and neither would it accept for the revenues …

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