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Belgrade-Pristina talks set for Friday

The next Belgrade-Pristina talks, taking place in Brussels on September 2, will focus on the cadastre, Telecom and customs seals.  This is according to Edita Tahiri, Kosovo’s head of negotiating team. ‘Customs seals, telecommunications and cadastre will be among the topics discussed at the next Belgrade-Pristina talks, slated for September …

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Romania hopes for Schengen entry this year

Romania remains optimistic that it will be able to join Europe’s Schengen passport-free zone this year, Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi said Wednesday. “After what we experienced in the first part of this year, I am prudent (…) but we have all the leverage to be moderately optimistic” Baconschi added. 

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EULEX, KFOR complete actions in northern Kosovo

EULEX special force operation in northern Kosovo as a part of the investigation into the murder of a Kosovo policeman on July 26 is over. The operation was carried out in the area of Zubin Potok and Zupče. 

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