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Serbian President says the demand to abolish the institutions in north of Kosovo is unacceptabile

The demand for Serbia to abandon its institutions in Serb areas of Kosovo, described as “parallel”, is not acceptable, Serbian President Boris Tadić says. The demand was heard from visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this week, and was made in the context of Serbia’s further EU integration. But he …

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Kosovo MP pleads not guilty to war crimes allegations

Kosovo MP Fatmir Limaj has pleaded not guilty to charges of war crimes committed during the 1999 Kosovo war. Limaj and another nine others pleaded not guilty at the first day of the trial which started on Wednesday.

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Mladic given six days to answer demand to split indictment

Wartime Bosnian Serb commander general Ratko Mandic was given six days by the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on Thursday to answer prosecution’s demand to split his indictment in order to speed up the trial.

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