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Belgrade chief negotiator: crisis in north Kosovo is over

Belgrade team head Borislav Stefanović has stated that the crisis in north Kosovo is over. He stressed that it was unacceptable to allow Priština to establish its institutions in the north, or to have the state of Serbia ousted from Kosovo.

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German FM says Belgrade and Pristina should continue dialogue

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle met in Thursday in Priština with Kosovo Albanian PM Hashim Thaci. Westerwelle said that the agreement on resolution of the crisis in the north of Kosovo should be implemented by all sides and that the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština ought to be continued as …

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KFOR commander says the situation in northern Kosovo is stable

The situation in north Kosovo is calming down and the agreement on the north should soon be fully prepared, KFOR Commander Erhard Buhler said on Wednesday. After a meeting with UNMIK Regional Representative Anil Vasisht, Buhler said that a number of points of the agreement for the north had already …

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