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Russia urges NATO to prevent violence in Kosovo

The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the EU, NATO and the UN to prevent Priština from taking control over parts where Serbs are the majority by force. “Unfortunately, it is very likely that despite the agreement on refraining from military from August 5, Priština might

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EU watches Kosovo’s situation carefully

Foreign ministers of Germany and the UK, Guido Westerwelle and William Hague, have warned that Serbia and Kosovo will miss an “historic opportunity” unless “they find a diplomatic solution to their differences”. 

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Macedonia to mark Ohrid Peace Anniversary

Macedonian politicians and dignitaries are expected to attend the ten year anniversary of the 2001 Ohrid Peace Accord on Saturday. The deal, which was signed on 13 August 2001, in the lake resort of Ohrid in southwestern Macedonia, ended almost a year of armed

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