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U.S. urges Russia to back off Georgia

Washington calls on Moscow to pull troops out of parts of Georgia and honor a 2008 cease-fire that ended conflict there, the US State Department said. Moscow and Tbilisi traded insults Monday, the third anniversary of a Russian military response to Georgia’s invasion of the separatist republic of South Ossetia …

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Macedonia compromise with Greece is possible, says Teuta Arifi

Currently major priority of the new deputy prime minister in charge of European integration, Teuta Arifi is completing the tasks of the EU Commission annual report about Macedonia. Teuta Arifi said: “It is early to say whether positive or negative, but we are going to receive good and correct report”. …

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Belgrade-Pristina could continue in early September

Belgrade Kosovo talks team chief Borislav Stefanović expects that the dialogue with the Kosovo Albanian representatives to resume in Brussels on September 5. The issue of customs stamps will be discussed at that meeting, said Stefanović.

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