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Cypriot leaders meet again to discuss unification

Turkish Cypriot leader Derviş Eroğlu and Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias have met to discuss issues of administration and power-sharing — another step toward finding a way to reunify Cyprus — an issue that has

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NATO warns Turkey on buying air defense systems from China or Russia

NATO may avoid sharing ballistic missiles intelligence with Turkey if the nation decides to buy Chinese or Russian systems for its missile defense program. Ankara would have to operate without NATO’s intelligence information on incoming ballistic missiles if it chooses to buy Chinese or Russian systems for its

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Bulgarian cabinet to face no confidence motion

Bulgaria’s Parliament was scheduled to vote on the evening of July 26 2011 on the third motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Boiko Borissov’s Cabinet since ruling party GERB came to power two years ago.

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