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Turkish PM was criticized after his Cyprus remarks

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s harsh criticism of Greek Cyprus and the European Union in regards to the course of affairs in the resolution of the Cyprus issue

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Serbia, Montenegro agreed to improve cooperation

The prime ministers of Montenegro and Serbia have agreed that both countries share a common goal of EU membership, and pledged to support each other towards that end. The announcement came during the first official visit of Montenegrin Prime Minister Igor Luksic to Belgrade on Wednesday.

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Mladic chooses defense lawyer

Hague indictee Ratko Mladić gave his consent on Wednesday to lawyer Branko Lukić to be his representative before the Hague Tribunal. However, necessary procedures need to be completed for him to be appointed as Mladić’s defense attorney. An authorization signed by Mladić was delivered to the Hague Secretariat.

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