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Moldova’s Parliament convenes tomorrow

Moldova’s legislative body’s sitting interrupted on June 24 will continue on July 5, the Parliament’s press service has informed. The agenda of the sitting includes 12 items. Among them is the bill on the import of certain goods, the bill concerning

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NATO speră să ajungă la un acord cu Rusia în 2012

NATO speră că va atinge un consens cu Rusia în privinţa creării unui sistem de apărarea antirachetă la următorul summit al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, care se va desfăşura în mai 2012 la Chicago, a declarat luni secretarul general al organizaţiei, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. 

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Serbian president on to make official visit to Bosnia in July

In July, Serbian president Boris Tadic will pay his first official state visit to Bosnia since the end of the bloody 1992-95 Yugoslav wars. Although Tadic has visited Bosnia already, those trips were not described as state visits.

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