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Macedonia: VMRO-DPMNE and DUI have agreed to form govt

VMRO-DPMNE and Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) have reached an agreement to form a ruling coalition. The leaders of the two parties, Nikola Gruevski and Ali Ahmeti, have agreed to divide the ministerial posts 2:1 in

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Turkish President postpones Bulgarian visit for a week later

Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul has postponed his visit to neighboring Bulgaria, initially scheduled for July 3 and 4, for a week later, due to the opening of his country’s first new Parliamentary session. Besides his Bulgarian visit, the Turkish President has also postponed his upcoming trip to Montenegro.

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Greek parliament debates new austerity measures

The Greek parliament will this afternoon begin debating the new austerity package that has been demanded by EU leaders. The Greek parliament will this afternoon begin debating a new package of tax increases and spending cuts which, if passed, will guarantee renewed funding from the European Union and IMF.

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