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Serbian official says that Bosniak Council elections need to be held this year

Serbian Human and Minority Rights Minister Milan Marković has said that elections for the Bosniak National Council will need to be held by the end of the year. “This is a national interest and a need of the Bosniak community and it would be best if this issue

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Aleksander Mezyaev will defend Mladić

Aleksander Mezyaev, who was on Slobodan Milošević and Vojislav Šešelj’s defense teams, will be Ratko Mladić’s defense counsel. Mezyaev has been interested in leading the defense team ever since Mladić was arrested in the village of Lazarevo.

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Priština expects several agreements to be reached in July.

Head of Priština’s team in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue Edita Tahiri said she expects several agreements will be reached in July. They would refer to freedom of movement, free trade, telecommunications, energy, cadastres and birth registers, said she. Tahiri said that Kosovo has made concessions during the dialogue. 

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