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Belgrade military meeting to end today

Participants of the Strategic Military Partner Conference in Belgrade will adopt conclusions and wrap up the conference on Wednesday. Representatives of 60 countries, including members of NATO, Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean

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U.S. assistant secretary of state in visit to Serbia

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon met on Wednesday in Belgrade with Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić. Gordon started his tour of the Balkans in Bosnia-Herzegovina and will also visit Priština, and then Croatia by June 17.

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Karadzic Trial: witness says non-Serb population was forced to move

Testifying at Radovan Karadzic’s trial, an expert witness says that Bosnian Serb authorities organised the removal of the non-Serb population from areas under their control. Dorothea Hanson, an expert witness who drafted a report on the establishment and functioning of Serb crisis committees and wartime presidencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, …

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