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Kosovo: Limaj could face war crimes charges

As nine war crimes suspects face a preliminary hearing in Pristina on Monday, there are indications that another suspect in the case, MP Fatmir Limaj, will soon face an official

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Armenian cultural center inaugurated in Tbilisi, Georgia

Mayor of Yerevan Karen Karapetyan and Mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava attended the opening ceremony of an Armenian cultural center in the Georgian capital. The two stressed the importance of maintenance of cultural ties and cooperation between the neighbor countries. His Holiness Karekin II Surpreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All …

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Serbian President says that start of EU talks in 2012 would be a historic event

Serbian President and leader of the Ruling Democrats Boris Tadić stated on Sunday that the start of EU accession talks in 2012 would be a historic event. According to him address to the party’s main board on Sunday in Belgrade, this would also be the country’s greatest achievement.

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