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Tadic belives Holland will ratify SAA

Serbian President Boris Tadić believes the Dutch parliament and countries that have not ratified the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) will do so soon.

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Serbia, Romania sign agreement on readmission

Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dačić and Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi signed an agreement on readmission in Bucharest on Wednesday. This, said the Serbian Ministry of the Interior, represents one step further in Serbia’s EU integration.

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Kosovo, Serbia Dialogue ‘Can Improve Situation in North’

The head of the EU mission in Kosovo reiterates that political will from Belgrade and Pristina is necessary to improve the situation in the north. Xavier De Marnhac, head of the EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, said recently that he is interested in expanding the rule-of-law in the disputed …

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