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Maldic extradition procedure to take 2-4 days

The extradition of Ratko Mladić to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) will last at least two and maximum four days, according to Serbian government’s coordinator for public relations

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Croatian President: Mladic should face charges in Croatia

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic has said that suspected war criminal Ratko Mladic should also face charges for crimes committed in Croatia during the wars in the 1990s. Apart from war crimes committed in Bosnia, it would be just to try Ratko Mladic for the crimes committed in Croatia as well, …

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Bulgaria wants NATO’s missile defense system to cover the entire country

Bulgaria has a firm position on the NATO missile defense system – it must cover the entire territory of the country, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said on Monday. Borisov spoke on Monday at the NATO parliamentary assembly, held between May 27 and May 30 in Bulgaria’s Black Sea capital …

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