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EU urges to dialogue between Albania’s political leaders

EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, calls on political leaders in Albania to overcome differences and find a solution to the dispute over the race for mayor of Tirana. “The narrow result in the mayoral elections in Tirana means that both

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Negative report on Serbia-Hague cooperation

Chief UN war crimes prosecutor Serge Brammertz says that Serbia’s efforts to arrest war crimes indictee Ratko Mladic are insufficient. The report Brammertz submitted to the UN Security Council on Belgrade’s cooperation with the UN war crimes tribunal, writes that Serbia’s existing strategy for the arrest of the two remaining …

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EC President Jose Manuel Barroso backs Turkey’s EU accession

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has dismissed claims that Turkey would be a burden for the European Union at a time when the 27-nation bloc’s membership talks with the candidate country are in standstill. Barroso said, in contrast, Turkey would bring in a significant added value to the bloc …

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