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Positive EC report on Montenegro is expected

The European Parliament (EP) hopes that the next EC report on Montenegro will contain a date for starting accession talks, EP member Eduard Kukan said on Monday (May 16th). Kukan, chairman of the EP delegation for relations with Southeast European countries, was speaking on the eve of the second meeting …

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Croatia’s PM attends European Economic Congress

Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said on Monday (May 16th) that Croatia is ready to wrap up its EU accession talks by end of next month and reassured that the country will be a reliable partner. Kosor attended the third European Economic Congress in Katowice. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, …

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Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister reacts Dacic’s idea of Kosovo partition

Officials are reacting to Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic’s idea of Kosovo partition as a long-term solution. Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci emphasised on Monday (May 16th) that Serbia doesn’t decide about Kosovo; instead, it is Kosovo citizens and international partners who make decisions. “Serbia’s desires caused wars, genocide, …

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