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Romania, Moldova to Launch Gas Pipeline

Bucharest is to start construction of a new gas pipeline that will connect the country with neighbouring Moldova. The construction of the new pipeline, which is to connect the city of Iasi, in eastern Romania, with Ungheni in Moldova, is set to start by the end of the year. The …

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Vukovar hosts conference on EU’s strategy for Danube region

Representatives of EU institutions and 14 countries along the Danube River met on Friday (April 29th) in the town of Vukovar to discuss the EU’s strategy for the Danube region and its role in improving peoples’ lives.

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for speedy resolution over name of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for a speedy, effective and mutually acceptable resolution of the long-running dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia over the latter country’s name, saying he was encouraged by recent steps taken by the two sides. 

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