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Macedonia, Kosovo to set up joint border patrols

Macedonia’s Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and her visiting Kosovo counterpart Bajram Rexhepi signed an agreement on Friday (April 1st) establishing joint patrols at the Macedonia-Kosovo border. The deal will enable better border management and contribute to increasing of the overall security, the two officials estimated. They also discussed the possibilities …

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Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia agree for economic cooperation

Serbia’s President Boris Tadic and Prime Ministers of Croatia and Slovenia, Jadranka Kosor and Borut Pahor, reaffirmed on Friday (April 1st) their will to boost economic co-operation and participate together on

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Next round of Kosovo talks in mid-April

The Belgrade-Priština dialogue has no alternative and its goal is to close some of the open topics, Head of Belgrade’s negotiating team Borko Stefanovic says. He announced at the panel discussion organized by the New Policy Center on Friday that the third round of the talks, which were first launched …

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