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KFOR to complete restructuring in a few days

The NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) Commander Erhard Buehler has said that KFOR will complete its restructuring in a few days. This will leave it with 5,000 troops on the field.

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Croatia’s EU membership negotiations could be completed in first half of 2011

Croatia’s EU membership negotiations could be completed in the first half of 2011 provided Zagreb pushes ahead with reform, according to a resolution adopted by Parliament on Wednesday. Yet the biggest challenge may be “selling” the benefits of EU membership to a sceptical Croatian population, the EP press service announced.

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Serbia to ask UN Security Council for Kosovo investigative mechanism

The United Nations Security Council will today discuss Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s new report on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia will be represented at the session by its foreign minister, Vuk Jeremić.

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