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Turkey delays EU reforms as accession is not certain

With key European Union states showing no sign of relenting in their opposition to Turkey’s accession, the government has postponed dozens of laws required to be passed to achieve harmonization with the 27-nation bloc’s standards until after the June elections, and even beyond.

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Kosovo Democratic Party to offer post of president to Behgjet Pacolli

Democratic Party of Kosovo has decided to offer the post of president of Kosovo to Behgjet Pacolli. He is the leader of the New Kosovo Alliance. This should allow a new government to be formed in Priština, in the wake of the December elections.

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Greek FM says the country is working to facilitate one-day visas for Turkish tourists

Greek Foreign Minister Demetris Droutsas on Monday said his ministry was working on a plan that would allow for the issuance one-day visas for Turkish tourists. “I believe there is a significant increase in the number of Turks visiting Greece. And we are trying to work the issue out on …

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