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German parliament to ratify SAA with Serbia next week

The Bundestag will ratify the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the EU on February 10th, Michael Stubgen, head of a German parliamentary delegation, said on

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Swiss lawmakers insist on international probe into Kosovo organ trafficking

The foreign affairs committee of the lower chamber of parliament says the allegations of human organ trafficking in Kosovo should be investigated by an international commission, media reported on Wednesday (February 2nd). The panel discussed the report by Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty — who is Swiss — on …

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Cypriot President says the settlement issue is possible to be reached in 2011

Settlement of the Cyprus issue could be reached by the end of 2011, under the condition that leader of Turkish Cypriots Dervis Eroglu and Ankara accept a solution based on the formula of creating a federation of two communities in the island,  President of the Republic of Cyprus Demetris said.

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