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Amnesty International urges EU to insist on Croatia over war crimes

Amnesty International urged European Union officials to insist that Croatian authorities prosecute all war crimes committed during the 1990s. The EU was also urged to consider AI’s concerns when deciding whether to close the chapter on the judiciary and fundamental rights in Croatia’s accession talks, Program

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Jerzy Buzek: a compromise on Romania and Bulgaria’s Schengen entry will be found

President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, has stated that a compromise solution will be found for Bulgaria and Romania’s entry to the Schengen zone in the next months. Buzek has stated that the two countries are obliged to fulfill the requirements for entering the Schengen zone.

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Greece ratified SAA with Serbia

The Greek parliament has ratified Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU, the Greek Embassy in Belgrade announced on Monday (January 31st). Greece is the 12th EU country to ratify the agreement. Germany is expected to ratify it in February and France by the end of April.

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