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Bulgaria says it will be ready for Schengen entry in March

Bulgaria said Tuesday it is continuing with preparations to join the European Union’s passport-free Schengen zone. ‘Bulgaria will be technically in a position to become part of the

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Playing Milorad Dodik’s Game

Marking the 19th anniversary of the autonomy of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, entity President Milorad Dodik took the opportunity to warn on national television that Bosnian Serbs would not allow any further decentralization, which is necessary for EU integration. He described Bosnia-Herzegovina as a ‘divided society’ that ‘is in …

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Serbia, Croatia discuss about war crimes case

Serbian President Boris Tadić spoke with Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor about the case of Tihomir Purda. Tadić underlined during the discussion that “this and similar cases needed to be considered by the appropriate ministries and prosecutions in both

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