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Bosnians to be Hit Hard by Response to Financial Crisis as Price Rises and Tax Hikes Eat Away at Meager Salaries

Bosnian officials are keen to impress upon the public that the financial crisis is in receding; however, statistics tell a different story for 2011 – a new year that is likely to be a more financially trying one for the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina. As of first day of the year, …

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Bosnian Nationalists Consider Govt Formation Meeting, Moderates Opt Out

Later this week, Bosnia’s ethnonationalist Bosniak Democratic Party of Action (SDA) will have to decide whether it will take part in a meeting to discuss the formation of a new central government following 3 October general elections. The meeting, which is scheduled to take place on 10 January, was called …

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Dodik Threatens to Sue Ashdown in Another Political Opportunity Trick Meant for the Stage (Members Only)

Milorad Dodik, president of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity Republika Srpska, has announced that he will begin legal proceedings against former High Representative to Bosnia, British diplomat Paddy Ashdown. According to the outspoken Dodik, who enjoys the spotlight, Ashdown will be sued before the UK court by early February for his “arrogant …

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