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New strikes paralyze Athens

New strikes paralyze Athens. Workers in the public transport started 24-hour strikes today, while the government is preparing for final voting of the anti-crisis budget. Employees in the public sector will today cease work for about three hours and will gather for a protest outside the Parliament, until MPs discuss …

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EP expected to ratify Serbia’s SAA next month

The European Parliament (EP) will ratify Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU in January, EP Rapporteur for Serbia Jelko Kacin said on Monday (December 20th) in Belgrade. He announced

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Kosovo’s election results to be published next week

The Central Election Commission (CEC) will not publish the final results of the December 12th general elections before the end of next week as the majority of polling stations are undergoing a recount. Chief Executive of the CEC Secretariat Xhemajl Peqani said on Monday (December 20th) that based on the …

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