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Serbia and Albania to boost co-operation

Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic on Saturday (December 18th) assured Albanian Deputy Prime Minister Ilir Meta during a meeting in Belgrade that Serbia remains open to dialogue and

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Albanian Interior Minister Basha denies involvement in criminal activities

Interior Minister Lulzim Basha insisted on Sunday (December 19th) that he played no part in investigations led by UNMIK into the so-called “Yellow House” in northern Albania. Basha’s name was mentioned by the former UNMIK official in charge of missing persons, Jose Pablo Baraybar, who said Basha served as a …

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Serbian President: Kosovo will be viewed differently after crimes report

Serbian President Boris Tadić believes that the international community will see the Kosovo problem with different eyes after a report on crimes committed against Serbs. “Serbia has been waiting for years in front of international institutions for a report like this” Tadić said. 

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