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Montenegro granted status of EU candidate country

The EU leaders have approved the proposal to grant Montenegro a status of a candidate country. In November the EC recommended granting the status to Montenegro. The Balkan country applied for EU membership in December 2008. On May 1 it received a status of an associated country.

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Talks between Russia and Georgia in Geneva ended without any agreement

Russia and Georgia concluded their 14th round of talks in Geneva on Thursday, without reaching agreement on security and other issues of mutual concern. According to the press communique delivered by the co-chairs of the talks, discussions

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Re-voting expected in some Kosovo municipalities

Numerous irregularities that marred the December 12th snap elections are expected to prompt another round of voting in three municipalities, local media reported on Thursday (December 16th). The Central Election Commission (CEC) said the decision will be announced after the complaints and alleged violations are thoroughly investigated. Sources inside the …

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