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EU ready to probe Thaci over Marty’s draft report

The European Union said Wednesday it was ready to probe Kosovo’s prime minister Hashim Thaci over accusations he was involved in organ-trafficking and other crimes in the aftermath of the 1998-99 war with Serbia. The report, by Swiss Council of Europe deputy Dick Marty, accuses Thaci of being in charge …

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Montenegro to receive EU candidate status

European Union foreign ministers have agreed to grant official EU candidate status to Montenegro, the fourth former Yugoslav republic to take this step towards European integration. “We have given the green light for Montenegro for candidate status,” Belgian Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere was cited by the AP as saying on …

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Moldova to recount election votes

Moldova’s Central Elections Commission is beginning to recount the ballots that were cast in a snap parliamentary election on November 28th. The Commission is complying with the decision that the republic’s Constitutional Court has made on application by the opposition Communist Party, which

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