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Turkey rejects unilateral opening of ports to Greek Cypriot vessels

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday (November 22nd) that Turkey will not open its ports to Cypriot vessels and goods unless the EU lifts its trade embargo on northern Cyprus. “If there’s a

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Serbia convicts two of war crimes in BiH

A court in Belgrade convicted two men Monday (November 22nd) of war crimes committed in the Bosnian municipality of Zvornik in 1992. Branko Grujic got six years in prison and co-defendant Branko Popovic was sentenced to 15. The two former local officials were found guilty of illegal detention, inhumane treatment …

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Greece to propose date for Western Balkans’ EU accession

Greece will propose 2018 as a target EU entry date for the Western Balkans countries, Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said on Monday (November 22nd) at a seminar in Brussels. He added that the EU could adopt a political declaration to clearly state its commitment to integrate Southeast Europe. Droutsas …

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