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Bosnia is divided, says Dodik

Bosnia is a country “irreversibly divided” along ethnic lines, Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik told a Serbian paper on Monday, 15 years after a peace deal ended the country’s inter-ethnic war in the 1990s. “Bosnia is divided in an irreversible way” and “they (the international community) will

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Turkish PM: No deal unless EU acts on trade with Turkish Cyprus

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that Turkey is ready to open its ports to Greek Cypriot vessels and aircraft if the European Union takes steps to end the economic isolation of Turkish Cyprus. Erdoğan, speaking to reporters on Monday, said Turkey would not change its position on Cyprus …

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EU Commissioner Stefan Füle statement on Palanca (Moldova-Ukraine border)

“I welcome the outcome of last Friday’s meeting in Chisinau between representatives of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, called in at the joint initiative of the European Union and the United States of America to discuss the situation at the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border near the Palanca village. Solutions to …

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