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US calls for progress in BiH on Dayton anniversary

Marking the 15th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreements on Sunday (November 21st), US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Bosnian leaders to address remaining constitutional and other issues that are essential to progress. She described the accord that ended the 1992-1995 conflict as a cornerstone of peace and …

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Macedonia meets NATO accession criteria but still has to solve name issue

Macedonia is ready and the doors for its NATO accession are open but the membership will be a fact after the name dispute with Greece is solved. This is the conclusion drawn at the NATO summit in Lisbon about Macedonia. Macedonia President Gjorge Ivanov, who attended the forum in Lisbon, …

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European Commissioner Stefan Fule to visit Belgrade

European Commissioner for Enlargement Stefan Fule is to arrive on a visit to Serbia on Tuesday. Fule is expected to hand the European Commission’s ‘questionnaire’ to Serbian authorities. Serbia’s answers to the questions will determine its readiness for the EU accession. Fule’s cabinet said that the document consists of around …

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