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Bucureşti, “capitala” Regiunii Dunării

Delegaţii din 14 state riverane Dunării – Austria, Bosnia Herţegovina, Bulgaria, Republica Cehă, Croaţia, Germania, Muntenegru, Republica Moldova, România, Serbia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Ucraina, Ungaria -, precum şi reprezentanţi ai landurilor riverane din Austria şi Germania şi ai instituţiilor europene s-au reunit, luni, la Palatul Parlamentului unde se desfăşoară Summitul Dunării. …

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EU abolishes visas for Albania and Bosnia

European Union interior ministers on Monday agreed to scrap visas for citizens of Albania and Bosnia, allowing them to travel as tourists to most EU countries from mid December. The decision was taken at a meeting in Brussels today and comes as a relief to the

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Romania, Bulgaria to ask EP support for Schengen area accession, says Bulgarian PM

Romania and Bulgaria will ask the European Parliament for support in joining the Schengen Area, as agreed with Romanian President Traian Basescu in the European People’s Party summit, said Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov during a meeting Monday with his Romanian counterpart, Emil Boc.

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