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Rusia vrea să facă parte din Comitetul Politic şi de Cooperare al UE

Rusia doreşte să facă parte din Comitetul Politic şi de Cooperare, o structură care stabileşte politica externă a Uniunii Europene, informează New York Times. “Am dori ca Rusia şi Uniunea Europeană să poată lua decizii comune”, afirmă Vladimir Cijov, ambasadorul Rusiei la UE, într-un interviu acordat International Herald Tribune, transmite …

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Karadzic requests military documents from Bosnia

Wartime Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has asked the Hague Tribunal to issue a binding order requesting that the Bosnian government submit a number of documents relevant to his defence. The indictee said the military documents were necessary for the trial, which is being held before

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Hungarian President Pal Schmitt in visit to Romania

Hungarian President Pal Schmitt will visit Romania on Monday and Tuesday, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu. Official talks between the two heads of State, followed by a joint press conference, will take place at the Cotroceni Palace today. The meeting will focus on the development of …

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