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Karadzic: Former UN commander continues testimony

In his continuing testimony at the trial of Radovan Karadzic, General Michael Rose said he believes the projectile that hit the Markale marketplace in Sarajevo on February 5, 1994, was fired from Bosnian Serb positions in the vicinity of Sarajevo.

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Bulgaria Commits to Leading Role in EU Danube Strategy

Bulgaria is making a firm commitment to play a major part in the preparation and the realization of the European Commission’s initiative for a strategy for the development of the Danube Regions. The statement was made Thursday in Brussels by Bulgaria’s Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Lilyana Pavlova.

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Council of Europe officer calls for improvement of human rights in areas affected by the 2008 Georgia-Russia conflict

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg on Thursday called for the improvement of human rights in areas affected by the 2008 Georgia-Russia conflict. Hammarberg released a report based on his latest visit to Georgia. He remarked the urgent need to release all remaining detainees who were apprehended …

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