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Slovak FM: No Kosovo recognition

Slovak FM Mikulas Dzurinda stressed at the meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković that the Slovak government will not consider recognizing Kosovo. He also said that Bratislava supports the initiation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština.

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Serbian President Boris Tadić: Serbia can join EU in 2016 at earliest

Serbian President Boris Tadić says Serbia can join the EU in 2016 at the earliest, but that it could come a lot later if reforms in are carried out at a slow pace. “The earliest possible date of Serbia’s EU accession is 2016, on condition that negotiations start late in 2011 …

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Adrian Severin: Moldova Has to Choose between the Future and the Past

Moldovan citizens will have to choose between two kinds of destiny at the early parliamentary elections: between the past and the future, between stagnation and development, between life characterized by the depressed dynamism and another model of the European modernity. The message was transmitted to Chisinau on Friday by Adrian …

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