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Georgian President: Georgia is ready for negotiations with Russia without preconditions

Georgia is ready for negotiations with Russia without preconditions, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said. “My impression is that Medvedev is leaving, but Putin is returning,” Saakashvili said, answering a question of the Al-Jazeera television company’s talk show

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Moldova interested in military cooperation with Romania – Defense minister

The Republic of Moldova is strongly interested in consolidation of relations with Romania in the military sphere, and hopes they will be developing at a growing pace, Moldovan Minister of Defense Vitalie Marinuta stated today during his meeting with admiral Gheorghe Marin, Romania’s Chief of Joint Staff.

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Emil Boc, la ONU: România, preocupată de conflictele îngheţate din regiunea extinsă a Mării Negre

România este preocupată de conflictele îngheţate din regiunea extinsă a Mării Negre şi Caucazului de Sud, a declarat, vineri, primul-ministru român, Emil Boc, de la tribuna celei de 65-a sesiuni a Adunării Generale a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite. Premierul Emil Boc şi-a ţinut discursul spre finalul şedinţei de vineri seară, cele …

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