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Macedonian President to meet Greek Prime Minister in New York

Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou are set to meet in New York, where they will take part in UN General assembly. The two delegations have agreed to meet at 5 p.m. Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki is set to attend the meeting as well. The …

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Inzko says BiH could join EU in 2020

Valentin Inzko said on Tuesday (September 21st) that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) could join the EU in 2020. Inzko, who was speaking to journalists at the European Parliament (EP), said much

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UN Secretary General reiterates support for Cypriot reunification talks

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met on Tuesday (September 21st) with Cypriot President Demetris Christofias, reiterating his support for ongoing talks to reunify the island. The meeting, held on the sidelines of a UN summit in New York, focused on progress in the talks. During a separate meeting with Turkish President …

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