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Karadzic Trial: ‘Sarajevo Not Shelled by Bosnia Forces’

United Nations observers did not record any cases of Bosnian forces opening artillery fire in 1993 and 1994 during the conflict in Sarajevo, a prosecution witness has told the court trying Radovan Karadzic.

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US Vice President discusses Kosovo, Mideast with Greek premier

US Vice President Joe Biden met late on Tuesday with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to discuss the situation in Kosovo and the Middle East. The White House said in a statement that this meeting was “part of the Administrations frequent consultations with our European allies on our shared agenda …

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Bosnian police arrest two war crimes suspects

Bosnian Police arrested two people Monday (September 20th) suspected of committing war crimes against Serbian civilians and prisoners of war. Galib. H, 63, was detained in Brcko while Nijaz H, 50, was arrested in Sarajevo. The two were allegedly involved in crimes committed near Brcko, in September 1992.

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