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BiH court to discuss Glavas case next week

The Court of BiH will discuss the case of war crimes convict Branimir Glavas on September 20th, court spokesperson Selma Hadzic said on Saturday (September 11th). A Croatian politician and former

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EULEX, KFOR condemn violence in Mitrovica

EULEX strongly condemned weekend clashes between Albanians and Serbs in the divided town of Mitrovica, just days after the UN called for dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. Several people, including one EULEX police officer, were injured during the unrest. “These acts of senseless hooliganism have no place in any democratic …

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Kosovo’s Vetevendosje opposes talks with Serbia

The Vetevendosje (Self-determination) movement says it is opposed to any talks with Serbia and has called for the public to mobilise against them. Movement leader Albin Kurti said on Sunday (September 12th) that new

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