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No probe of possible Kosovo mass grave yet

An EULEX spokesperson said on Wednesday that the EU mission was preparing for establishing the location of a possible mass grave site. The location is believed to be in the vicinity of the central Kosovo town of Obilić, and to contain the remains of killed Serbs and other non-Albanians.

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Ucraina va continua sa construiasca canalul Bastroe

Ucraina isi va apara interesele legate de constructia canalului Dunare-Marea Neagra (Bastroe), a declarat, miercuri, presedintele ucrainean Viktor Ianukovici, relateaza Ria Novosti “In pofida presiunii la care suntem supusi, nu ne vom descuraja si ne vom apara interesele legate de constructia canalului”, a spus seful statului ucrainean in cadrul unei …

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“Operation Storm” generals trial set for final phase

The closing arguments in the war crimes trials of three generals involved in Croatia’s 1995 “Operation Storm”, in which hundreds of ethnic Serbs were allegedly killed, are set to be heard in The Hague.

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