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Serbia ‘won’t change Kosovo resolution’

Serbia is open to discussing its draft UN resolution on Kosovo, but is not ready to change or withdraw it, Serbian officials have said. Zdravko Ponos, Serbia’s assistant minister of foreign affairs, denied media reports that Germany FM Guido Westerwelle is to visit Belgrade to

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UN reportedly to discuss Serbia’s resolution on September 9th

The UN General Assembly is expected to discuss Serbia’s draft resolution on Kosovo on September 9th, local media reported on Sunday (August 22nd). The document says that “unilateral secession is not an acceptable way to solve territorial issues”, and calls for reaching a “mutually acceptable solution to all open issues” …

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More serbs apply for Kosovo documents

Institutions in Serb-dominated Mitrovica say that the number of Kosovo Serbs who are interested in obtaining Kosovo documents has increased lately, local media reported on Monday (August 23rd). Civil Registry Office

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