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Georgia complains to United Nations

Georgia sent a statement to the UN on Friday accusing Russia of violating ceasefire agreements. “Two years after the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities was signed on August 12, 2008, Russia still ignores this agreement and continues to violate almost all of its provisions,” the statement said.

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Serbia prepares new case over Kosovo

Serbia is preparing to go before the United Nations next month to renew negotiations over the future of Kosovo, its southern breakaway province that has declared independence and been recognised by a number of countries.

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“There’s definitely serious turbulence ahead as always in times of transition”

Written by: Ioannis Michaletos, 18-Aug-10 |  Source: – Interview with Iason Athanasiadis on the Middle East affairs conducted by Ioannis Michaletos — Iason Athanasiadis comments to Ioannis Michaletos on the current aspects of the Middle Eastern affairs and the trends shaping the region between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Hindu …

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