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Ganic returns to Sarajevo

Former BiH presidency member Ejup Ganic arrived in Sarajevo on Wednesday, a day after winning an extradition battle in the UK. A court in London rejected Serbia’s extradition request, ruling that charges

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Turkish, Greek Cypriot leaders discuss property issue

President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu met on Wednesday (July 28th) as part of ongoing talks to reunify the divided island. The two officials discussed the issue of property, involving numerous complex claims between the two sides concerning property seized decades ago. The UN Secretary-General’s special adviser …

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Kosovo PM urges all EU countries to recognize Kosovo’s independence

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci urged the five EU member states, which have not yet recognized Kosovo’s independence to do so. Tachi explained that after the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, he expected that the EU would have a unified position on this issue. Thaci …

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