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Serbia submits Kosovo draft to UN GA

The Serbian mission at the United Nations today submitted Belgrade’s draft resolution on Kosovo to the UN General Assembly. The draft proposes that this body should adopt conclusions, related to the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion in the Kosovo case.

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Ukraine not to recognize Kosovo independence

Ukraine will not recognize Kosovo’s independence. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry declared that the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague will not change Kiev’s position on Kosovo. According to ministry’s spokesperson, Ukraine backs the principles of territorial integrity of all countries within internationally recognized borders.

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Republic of Srpska PM Dodik on Kosovo

Republic of Srpska (RS) PM Milorad Dodik has stated that the the Bosnian Serb entity “will never abandon defending Serbia’s position on Kosovo”. He also said he would support Serbia “even when it makes mistakes”, but that he believes the going before the United Nations General Assembly will not have …

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