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Georgia to send humanitarian aid to Moldova

The Georgian government will send humanitarian aid and rescuers to Moldova today after mass flooding.  Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili spoke with the Moldovan government over the telephone this week and offered to build a village for victims in Georgia. 

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EC Spokesman: Bulgaria Has Greater Commitment to Reform than Romania

Bulgaria is currently demonstrating a stronger political commitment to reform than Romania, according to European Commission Spokesperson Mark Gray. Speaking on Deutsche Welle Romania, Gray has commented on the recently published EC progress reports on Bulgaria and Romania by declaring that Bulgaria had a greater level of political will to …

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Kosovo President says Kosovo could apply for UN membership next year

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu suggests that Kosovo could apply for UN membership in 2011. After talks with French State Secretary of European Affairs Pierre Lellouche in Pristina on Friday (July 23rd), Sejdiu said he expects more countries will recognise Kosovo now that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) upheld its …

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