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Ucraina cere clarificari Romaniei privind pozitia sa fata de Conventia de la Belgrad

Kostiantin Iefimenko, ministrul ucrainean al Transportului si Comunicatiilor i-a transmis ambasadorului roman la Kiev, Traian Laurentiu Hristea, o cerere de clarificari privind pozitia Romaniei fata de Conventia privind Regimul Navigatiei pe Dunare (Conventia de la Belgrad), avand in vedere faptul ca tara noastra este singurul stat implicat in proces care …

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Croatia will not withdraw genocide charges against Serbia

Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said Tuesday that the Croatian government has not yet considered withdrawal of the the genocide charges against Serbia. The lawsuit was filed at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Serbia has its own genocide countersuit against Croatia.

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Serbian Prime minister travels to Bosnia

Serbia’s Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković will pay an official visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina this Wednesday. During the visit, Cvetković will meet with President of the Bosnian Council of Ministers Nikola Špirić, the government press office said. 

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