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Sofismele de după Decretul Ghimpu

„Datoria imperativă nu se confundă cu o eliberare politică, ci cu eliberarea spiritului, cu dezrobirea de sub minciuna impusă” (Aleksandr Soljeniţîn) Inevitabilul s-a produs. Decretul Ghimpu a răscolit minţile, spiritele şi laşităţile multora. Reacţiile enervate şi criticile iritate au culminat cu o decizie „istorică” a Curţii Constituţionale (CC), din 12 …

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Georgian President: Azerbaijan, Georgia create working group to develop Asia-Europe transport corridor

Azerbaijan and Georgia will create a joint working group to develop the transport corridor from Asia to Europe through Georgia and Azerbaijan, the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said at a joint press conference with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev yesterday in Batumi.

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Bulgaria Ratifies Serbia’s SAA

Bulgaria has become the first country in the region and the third EU member state to ratify Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement, SAA, with the EU. Bringing together majority and opposition parties in the Bulgarian parliament, the agreement was officially ratified on Friday.

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