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Georgian, Turkish naval forces to hold joint exercises

The Turkish Coast Guard’s TCSG-122 ship will arrive in Georgian territorial waters July 14. The ship will sail to Georgia under a military cooperation plan between the Turkish General Staff and the Georgian Border Police.

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Bulgarian, Palestinian presidents meet on Mideast peace, bilateral ties

Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov said here on Tuesday that his country supports the establishing of an independent Palestinian state, and will continue to keep good relations with Israel. “I had once again the opportunity to emphasize that fair and lasting solution of the Middle East peace process

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Bulgarian nationalist party to table petition for referendum on Turkey’s EU bid

One of Bulgaria’s right-wing nationalist parties, VMRO, said that it would ask Parliament to debate whether the country should hold a referendum on Turkey’s accession to the European Union, after the party claimed to have gathered 300 000 signatures from Bulgarian citizens calling for a referendum.

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